Ling QIN wrote:
> Hello, Wolfgang:
>      I try to compiler my own stars in ../src/pigiExample.
> but faild. I got the following error messages:
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> root@localhost pigiExample]# make
> make FULL=1 BASENAME=pigiRpc pigiRpc
> make[1]: Entering directory
> `/usr/local/ptolemy-0.7.1p1.inst/src/pigiExample'
> echo char '*gVersion = "Version:' "pigiExample Demonstration" \
>         'With All Common Domains' \
>         '%created' `date` '";' | sed 's/%/\\n/g' > version.c
> echo "char DEFAULT_DOMAIN[] = \"SDF\";" \
>         >> version.c
> gcc -c version.c
> g++ -I../../src/compat/cfront -DPT_EGCS -L../../lib.linux
> -Wl,-s -rdynamic  pigiMain.o palettes.pigiRpc.o SDFMyStar.o
> ../domains/cgc/tcltk/targets/CGCTclTkTarget.o
> ../domains/cgc/tcltk/targets/CGCTychoTarget.o
> ../domains/cg/targets/CGBDFTarget.o
> ../domains/cgc/targets/uniproc/CGCBDFTarget.o
> ../domains/cg/targets/CGCostTarget.o ../domains/cg/targets/CGMultiTarget.o
> ../domains/cg/targets/CGSharedBus.o  ../domains/sdf/targets/CompileTarget.o
> ../../obj.linux/pigilib/ptkRegisterCmds.o -lsrcgcstars -lsrcgc -lsrstars
> -lsr -lcg56targets -lcg56dspstars -lcg56stars -lcg56 -lc50targets
> -lc50dspstars -lc50stars -lc50 -lvhdltargets -lvhdltcltktargets -lvhdlstars
> -lvhdl -lvhdlbstars -lvhdlb -lmdsdftclstars -lmdsdfstars -lmdsdf
> -lacstargets -lacsstars -lacs -lddfstars -lddf -ldecontribstars -ldetclstars
> -ldestars -lde -lcgccontribstars -lcgctcltk -lcgcmultitargets -lcgctargets
> -lcgcdspstars -lcgcstars -lcgc -lbdfstars -lMacro -lDC -lHu -lDL -lHier
> -lcgddf -lPar -lcgstars -lcg -lfsmstars -lfsm -lsdfdfmstars -lsdftclstars
> -lsdfdspstars -lsdfimagestars -lsdfmatrixstars -lsdfmatlabstars
> -lsdfcontribstars -lsdfcontrib  -lsdfstars -lbdf -lls -lsdf -lhofstars -lhof
> -L../../octtools/lib.linux -lpigi -lrpc -loh -lvov -llist -lutility -lst
> -lerrtrap -luprintf  -lptk -L../../tcltk/itcl.linux/lib/itcl -litk2.2
> -L../../tcltk/itcl.linux/lib/itcl -ltk4.2i  -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11
> version.o ../ptcl/ptclInvokeInterp.o -lptcl -lptdsp -lexttools
> -lptmathematica -lptolemy -L../../tcltk/itcl.linux/lib/itcl -litcl2.2
> -L../../tcltk/itcl.linux/lib/itcl -ltcl7.6i -L/usr/lib -lm -ldl    -o
> pigiRpc
> g++: ../../obj.linux/pigilib/ptkRegisterCmds.o: No such file or directory
> make[1]: *** [pigiRpc] Error 1
> make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/ptolemy-0.7.1p1.inst/src/pigiExample'
> make: *** [pigiRpc] Error 2
> [root@localhost pigiExample]#
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>         Could you have some ideas for that?

Your question is not a Linux specific one. However, nevertheless I'll
try to help you.

There are two ways of using own stars with Ptolemy:

1) Build and dynamically load your own Stars in your own directory: Put
your own .pl File in a directory of your choice. Invoke the "Make-star"
command from within Ptolemy. The star will then be compiled and
dynamically loaded into Ptolemy. If you have made changes to your Star's
source code then you can force recompiling and reloading by invoking the
"Load-star" command. This is the easy and recommended way if you only
have some few stars and in general it does not require to create/change
make files or invoke tools like make and gcc/g++ manually. There is no
need to do this as root and I recommend to do this from a regular user
login and user directory.

2) Compile your own stars and rebuild (relink) the whole pigiRpc. This
requires some skills wrt using tools like make and gcc/g++.

For the second method you have to install a RPM package which contains
both the Ptolemy binaries and the object files. This is necessary
because object files will be linked into pigiRpc and if these object
files are not present the linker will complain as reported in your
message. Please read and
carefully for more details on the Ptolemy rpms and their contents.

> Thanks,
> Harry


Wolfgang Reimer (Dr.-Ing.)
Technische Universität Ilmenau - Ilmenau University of Technology
Address:   TU Ilmenau, FEI/IKM, PF 100565, 98684 Ilmenau, GERMANY    Phone: +49-3677-69-2619
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]     Fax  : +49-3677-69-1195

V I R T U A L      P H O T O N I C S      I N C O R P O R A T E D

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