"Ed.Willink" wrote:
> Hi
> > Ling QIN wrote:
> > >
> > > Hello, Wolfgang:
> > >
> > >      I try to compiler my own stars in ../src/pigiExample.
> > > but faild. I got the following error messages:
> ...
> > > g++: ../../obj.linux/pigilib/ptkRegisterCmds.o: No such
> > file or directory
> Wolfgang suggested the direct solutions, but I think you are trying the
> more powerful approach 'correctly'.

Actually, I did not intend to suggest one of the 2 solution in my
message. I just would like to let Ling know about the two options.

> Your problem may be that you followed the permission in the installation
> notes
> and deleted everything in the object trees.

I guess that Ling did not rebuild Ptolemy from scratch and simply
installed the ptolemy-bin-* package which does not include object files.
This is fine for simply using Ptolemy but not for rebuilding pigiRpc.

>                                            This is fine if you just want to
> use Ptolemy directly. Unfortunately pigiExample uses just the one file from
> the object tree: ptkRegisterCmds.o.
> You must therefore rebuild at least the pigilib part of your object tree.
> It is a standalone directory so you can probably just do something like
> source .aliases
> mkdir obj.linux/pigilib
> cd obj.linux/pigilib
> mkl                             // Defined by .aliases
> make install
> NB. The above is a thoroughly untested suggestion, and I'm a Solaris not
> Linus user.
> Much slower but more reliable is to rebuild Ptolemy from scratch, and keep
> the object files this time. They're handy for debugging anyway.

Under RedHat (x86) Linux it is not necessary to recompile everything or
parts to get the object files because I provided different packages and
some of them already contain the object files. My installation notes
(which I referred to in my last message) also contain information on
which packages are required for what. Among others they say:

    *   If you will install the packages


        then you will have the same status (all the files) as if you
        completely rebuilt the whole Ptolemy distribution with DLLs.

    *   If you will install the packages


        then you will have the same status (all the files) as if you
        completely rebuilt the whole Ptolemy distribution with debug 

    Because the full DLL version and the debug version of the binaries
    (and object files) reside in different directories, they can be
    at the same time without overwriting each other. This allows to use
    debug and non-debug version at the same time, which may be useful
    developing. If you have installed more than one binary package 
    then you can select the version you want to use as follows:
    Set 'PTARCH=linux' if you want to use the DLL version.
    Set 'PTARCH=linux.debug' if you want to use the debug version.
    Then set 'PATH=$PTOLEMY/bin:$PTOLEMY/bin.$PTARCH:$PATH' to prepend 
    the correct path and finally do 'export PTARCH PATH'.

>         Regards
>                 Ed Willink

BTW, the RedHat Package Manager (RPM) will make sure that the
non-Ptolemy DLLs (system DLLs) used by Ptolemy RPMs will match
(otherwise they will not install). The ptolemy-*-10.i386.rpm packages
should work correctly for all RedHat 6.x distributions (6.0, 6.1, 6.2).

IMHO, it make sense to recompile everything from scratch only if

a) downloading the RPMs takes too long and you are familiar with
rebuilding Ptolemy or

b) if you have made essential changes to your RedHat system distribution
(libraries, compiler ...) or have a non-RedHat distribution so that my
packages will not work.


Wolfgang Reimer (Dr.-Ing.)
Technische Universität Ilmenau - Ilmenau University of Technology
Address:   TU Ilmenau, FEI/IKM, PF 100565, 98684 Ilmenau, GERMANY
http://ikmcip1.e-technik.tu-ilmenau.de    Phone: +49-3677-69-2619
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]     Fax  : +49-3677-69-1195

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