
> Ling QIN wrote:
> > 
> > Hello, Wolfgang:
> > 
> >      I try to compiler my own stars in ../src/pigiExample.
> > but faild. I got the following error messages:
> > g++: ../../obj.linux/pigilib/ptkRegisterCmds.o: No such 
> file or directory

Wolfgang suggested the direct solutions, but I think you are trying the
more powerful approach 'correctly'.

Your problem may be that you followed the permission in the installation
and deleted everything in the object trees. This is fine if you just want to
use Ptolemy directly. Unfortunately pigiExample uses just the one file from
the object tree: ptkRegisterCmds.o.

You must therefore rebuild at least the pigilib part of your object tree.
It is a standalone directory so you can probably just do something like

source .aliases
mkdir obj.linux/pigilib
cd obj.linux/pigilib
mkl                             // Defined by .aliases
make install

NB. The above is a thoroughly untested suggestion, and I'm a Solaris not
Linus user.

Much slower but more reliable is to rebuild Ptolemy from scratch, and keep
the object files this time. They're handy for debugging anyway.

                Ed Willink

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