Thanks for the swift response!
I'm still puzzled - sorry to be slow.
Amazon EC2 customers can access this data by creating their own personal Amazon 
EBS volumes, using the public data set snapshots as a starting point. They can 
then access, modify and perform computation on these volumes directly using 
their Amazon EC2 instances and just pay for the compute and storage resources 
that they use.

Does this not mean it costs me money on my EC2 account? Or is there some other 
way of accessing the data? Or am I looking at the wrong bit?
Ie Can you give me a clue how to get at the data without using my credit card 
please? :-)

On 05/12/2008 02:28, "Kingsley Idehen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hugh Glaser wrote:
> Exciting stuff, Kingsley.
> I'm not quite sure I have worked out how I might use it though.
> The page says that hosting data is clearly free, but I can't see how to get 
> at it without paying for it as an EC2 customer.
> Is this right?
> Cheers

No, shouldn't cost anything if the LOD data sets are hosted in this
particular location :-)

> Hugh
> On 01/12/2008 15:30, "Kingsley Idehen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> All,
> Please see: <> ; potentially the
> final destination of all published RDF archives from the LOD cloud.
> I've already made a request on behalf of LOD, but additional requests
> from the community will accelerate the general comprehension and
> awareness at Amazon.
> Once the data sets are available from Amazon, database constructions
> costs will be significantly alleviated.
> We have DBpedia reconstruction down to 1.5 hrs (or less) based on
> Virtuoso's in-built integration with Amazon S3 for backup and
> restoration etc..  We could get the reconstruction of the entire LOD
> cloud down to some interesting numbers once all the data is situated in
> an Amazon data center.
> --
> Regards,
> Kingsley Idehen       Weblog:
> President & CEO
> OpenLink Software     Web:



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