On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 2:31 PM, Richard Cyganiak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> François,
> We chose the current model (ds1 -> containsLinks -> ls -> target -> ds2)
> because we want to record which dataset contains the links. We have some use
> cases that require this. Your proposal (ds1 <- target <- ls -> target ->
> ds2) doesn't capture that bit of information.
> Note that *all* the links in the LOD cloud are published as part of one of
> the datasets. I'm also not sure if there is a clear understanding about how
> to publish linksets independently from the datasets on the Web. I don't see
> it being done in practice.
> François, can you point us to some examples of linksets that are published
> independently from any of the linked datasets? Also, can you present us with
> your use case that requires exchanging descriptions of such linksets? If
> there is enough interest, we will consider a modelling that can be used for
> both scenarios.

I think the CRS system proposed by Hugh and Afraz at the last LDOW is
publishing linksets independently? Hugh, would be Void expressible
enough to encompass what you publish?
Although there is still the possibility to consider it as an
independent dataset, having two linksets pointing to the two datasets
being interlinked.


> Best,
> Richard
> On 29 Nov 2008, at 10:16, François Scharffe wrote:
>> Hi Michael,
>> thank you for the link ;)
>> It seems that the current voiD spec supposes that the linkset (set of
>> interlinks) is supposed to be included in one of the two interlinked
>> datasets. I think it would make sense for the linkset to be considered
>> independently from the two interlinked datasets, something like this:
>> my:links a void:Linkset ;
>>        void:target <dataset1> ;
>>        void:target <dataset2> ;
>> my:links is a named graph containing the set of owl:same_as links. This
>> would avoiD to bind a dataset with a set of links.
>> Cheers,
>> François
>> Michael Hausenblas wrote:
>>> Just to let you know. One of the outcomes of the recent VoCamps [1] was
>>> that we have agreed on a final layout for voiD (Vocabulary of Interlinked
>>> Datasets). It is now available at [2] - please note that the actual (final)
>>> namespace will be 'http://rdfs.org/ns/void#' ... can't fix everything within
>>> two days, right :)
>>> A more detailed user guide to follow soon!
>>> Cheers,
>>>   Michael
>>> PS: A big thanks to the Neologism (http://neologism.deri.ie/) people for
>>> creating such an awesome tool and John Breslin for the great support re
>>> rdfs.org!
>>> [1] http://vocamp.org/wiki/VoCampGalway2008#Outcomes
>>> [2] http://rdfs.org/ns/neologism/void
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------
>>> Dr. Michael Hausenblas
>>> DERI - Digital Enterprise Research Institute
>>> National University of Ireland, Lower Dangan,
>>> Galway, Ireland
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------
>> <francois_scharffe.vcf>

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