Keith Alexander wrote:
On Tue, 12 May 2009 14:00:07 +0100, Kingsley Idehen <> wrote:

Anyway, I think we have a nice starting point re. Music Data Space for getting so RDFizer collaboration going, hopefully, this will provide a best practices template (re. collaboration) to others across the LOD community :-)

Wherever describes a resource with foaf:homepage property in the namespace, it owl:sameAses to uriburner's version.

I was thinking, do/could you provide metadata about your different RDFizers (even though they all operate under the same webservice), perhaps using voiD ?
Nice idea!

You could do something like:

:UriBurner a voiD:Dataset ;
    void:subset :LastFmRDFizer ;
    foaf:homepage <> .

:LastFMRDFizer void:uriRegexPattern "(http://.**) | (http://.*lastfm.*/.*)" ; void:exampleResource <> ; mvcb:generatorAgent <> .


Strange we completely overlooked this :-(
As you can see, feedback works !!

(I'm not sure the use of generatorAgent is right here - suggestions?)
mvcb:mappingScript <>

If such (meta)data were provided, it would be possible to have a service where I could paste in a web page url, and find out where I could get an RDFized version of the data in it.

What do you and others think? It is already hard to know/remember/find all of what is available - Kingsley, you said, OpenLink alone has, was it 30? cartridges for rdfizing particular web sites ... And here we have at least 4 services RDFizing various parts of as linked data. It would be really nice if this stuff was not just findable and interlinked (with owl:sameAs etc) at the RDFized resource level, but also at the dataset level.

I think providing enough metadata to be usefully findable is especially important for 3rd party dynamically RDFized datasets. If I am a developer that wants some RDF of data, and I don't see it on, how can I know if there is any elsewhere?
Good Linked Data dog-food exercise :-)




Kingsley Idehen       Weblog:
President & CEO OpenLink Software Web:

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