Hi all,

2009/6/25 Kingsley Idehen <kide...@openlinksw.com>:
> Giovanni Tummarello wrote:
>>> That can then be inserted as code snippets via copy-and-paste to any
>>> document.
>>> Any opinions?
>> Great, why bother with any other solution.
>> even talking about any other solution is extraordinarely bad for the
>> public perception of the semantic web community.
>> Giovanni
> Giovanni,
> We don't need mutual exclusivity re. Linked Data Deployment.
> There's nothing wrong with an array of options that cover a broad range of
> Linked Data deployment circumstances.
> HTTP is the essence of the Web (what makes it what it is), and Content
> Negotiation is intrinsic to HTTP.
> Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater, really.

+1, with bells on! I'm in complete agreement with Kingsley here which,
as Twitter users will know, isn't something we can always take for
granted ;)

"Many different tools for many different jobs....many different tools
for many different jobs...."


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