Martin Hepp (UniBW) wrote:
As mostly, recently ;-), I agree with Kingsley - I did not want to say that proper usage of http is bad or obsolete. But it turned out unfeasible for broad adoption my owners of small Web sites.

For huge data sources and for vocabularies, the current recipes are fine. But I want every single business in the world to use GoodRelations for publishing at least their opening hours - 19 Million companies in Europe alone. I cannot explain to every single one of them how to configure their server.

Another thing that might have gone lost in the discussion: Even though we knew the recipes, helping the site owners was difficult, because we experienced hundreds of different environments - preexisting .htaccess, MS IIS, hoster-specific scenarios, etc. So the problem is really that such a low-level technique is not feasible if you face so much diversity as far as the target system is concerned.

Maybe some day a certain LOD/SW package will be installed by default on most servers. But we cannot wait till then.

BTW: We did not even require the full beauty of LOD best practices. We simply want them to do as described here:


So for this particular Linked Data deployment and consumption scenario, we are going to end up with the following:

Content creators:
Describe your stuff (you, your offerings, your needs etc.) using RDFa within (X)HTML. Use your current publishing worflow to publish your RDFa embellished docs.

User Agents (Browsers, Crawlers, etc.):
Get RDFa enabled (i.e., become an RDFa processor) so you can do something with Linked Data for Web users that enriches their overall experience courtesy of #1 above.

Re. Virtuoso, you've always been able to SPARQL against any (X)HTML resource using Virtuoso's SPARQL processor (which leverages the Sponger Middleware & its RDFa Cartridge); simply use the RDFa embellished document's URL as the Named Graph IRI in your SPARQL query.


4. Any other Virtuoso instance that enables the Sponging.


Kingsley Idehen wrote:
Giovanni Tummarello wrote:
That can then be inserted as code snippets via copy-and-paste to any XHTML

Any opinions?

Great, why bother with any other solution.
even talking about any other solution is extraordinarely bad for the
public perception of the semantic web community.



We don't need mutual exclusivity re. Linked Data Deployment.

There's nothing wrong with an array of options that cover a broad range of Linked Data deployment circumstances.

HTTP is the essence of the Web (what makes it what it is), and Content Negotiation is intrinsic to HTTP.

Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater, really.



Kingsley Idehen       Weblog:
President & CEO OpenLink Software Web:

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