On Wed, Oct 6, 2010 at 5:09 PM, Martin Hepp <martin.h...@ebusiness-unibw.org
> wrote:
    I've got mixed feelings about "snippets" vs "fully embeded RDFa".  For
the most part I think systems that use snippets will be more maintainable,
but I've seen cases where fully embedded RDFa fits very well into a system
and there may be cases where the size of the HTML can be reduced by using it
-- and HTML size is a big deal in the real world where loading time matters
and we're increasingly targeting mobile devices.

    The RDFa issue that really bugs me is that a linked data URI can be read
to signify a number of different things.  Consider,  for instance,


(i) This is a string.  It has a length.  It uses a particular subset of
available characters
(ii) This is a URI.  It has a scheme,  it has a host,  path,  might have a #
in it,  query strings,  all that;  a number of assertions can be made about
it as a URI
(iii) This is a document.  We can assert the "content-type" of this document
(or at least one version we've negotiated),  we can assert it's charset,
length in bytes,  length in characters,  particular subset of available
characters used,  number of triples asserted directly in the document,  the
number of triples we can infer by applying certain rules to this in
connection with a certain knowledgebase,  and on and on
(iv) This is about a wikipedia article (some wikipedia articles don't map
cleanly to a named entity)
(v) This is about a named entity

The more I think about it,  the more I it bugs me,  and it's all the worse
when you've using RDFa and you've got HTML documents.

For instance,  you could clearly see


as a signifier for a city.  Some people would make the assertion that

dbpedia:Beijing owl:sameAs ookaboo:topic/28999/Beijing.

and that's not entirely stupid.  On the other hand,  it's definitely true

ookaboo:topic/28999/Beijing is sioc:ImageGallery.

Put something true together with a practice that's common and you get the
absurd result that

dbpedia:Beijing is sioc:ImageGallery.

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