Answers below for and (as best I remember).

On 05/11/2010 09:53, "Leigh Dodds" <> wrote:

>Hi Michael,
>On 5 November 2010 09:29, Michael Hausenblas
><> wrote:
>> It occurs to me that one of the main features of the Linked Data
>> is that we *do* things rather than having endless conversations what
>> be the best for the world out there. Heck, this is how the whole thing
>> started. A couple of people defining a set of good practices and
>> data following these practices and tools for it.
>> Concluding. If you are serious about this, please go ahead. You have a
>> popular and powerful platform at your hand. Implement it there (and in
>> libraries, such as Moriarty), document it, and others may/will follow.
>Yes, actually doing things does help more than talking. I sometimes
>wonder whether as a community we're doing all the right things, but
>that's another discussion ;)
>Your suggestion about forging ahead is a good one, but it also reminds
>me of Ian's original question: what would break if we used this
>So here's a couple of questions for those of you on the list who have
>implemented Linked Data tools, applications, services, etc:
>* Do you rely on or require HTTP 303 redirects in your application? Or
>does your app just follow the redirect?
No reliance.
In fact, the apps do not follow the redirects at all - the libraries do
where necessary, and the apps do not know.
Evidence: as I said before, there are millions of non-hash Linked Data
URIs out there that do not do 303, but return 200 and RDF.
>* Would your application tool/service/etc break or generic inaccurate
>data if Ian's pattern was used to publish Linked Data.
No. At least not for the data we currently process.
If there ever might be confusion between IR and NIR, then the RDF type
system for predicate domains, etc. causes distinction in the app, and
avoids confusion.
>Leigh Dodds
>Programme Manager, Talis Platform

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