On 11/9/10 11:22 AM, Nathan wrote:
Kingsley Idehen wrote:
On 11/9/10 11:10 AM, Kingsley Idehen wrote:

A URI is just an Identifier. We can "Describe" what isn't unambiguously Identified (Named); hence the use of "Names" since the beginning of shared cognition era re. human evolution.

A URI is just an Identifier. We can't "Describe" what isn't unambiguously Identified (Named); hence the use of "Names" since the beginning of shared cognition era re. human evolution.

ex:about#toucan doesn't name a toucan though, it names, or refers to, "toucan, as described by ex:about"

Yes, it refers to Toucan by ...... ?

Put differently, Toucan (a Thing observed by the Describer) is the Referent of the Identifier (URI). Thus, the URI is used to distinguish the Subject (Tucan) from the surface (Document) from which we perceive its Description.

Referent, Identifier, Resource trinity :-) The 3 elements (in combination) deliver comprehensible Representation, to a given beholder.



Kingsley Idehen 
President&  CEO
OpenLink Software
Web: http://www.openlinksw.com
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Twitter/Identi.ca: kidehen

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