On 13 June 2011 07:52, Pat Hayes <pha...@ihmc.us> wrote:
> OK, I am now completely and utterly lost. I have no idea what you are saying 
> or how any of it is relevant to the http-range-14 issue. Want to try running 
> it past me again? Bear in mind that I do not accept your claim that a 
> description of something is in any useful sense isomorphic to the thing it 
> describes. As in, some RDF describing, say, the Eiffel tower is not in any 
> way isomorphic to the actual tower. (I also do not understand why you think 
> this claim matters, by the way.)

> Perhaps we are understanding the meaning of http-range-14 differently. My 
> understanding of it is as follows: if an HTTP GET applied to a bare URI 
> http:x returns a 200 response, then http:x is understood to refer to (to be a 
> name for, to denote) the resource that emitted the response. Hence, it 
> follows that if a URI is intended to refer to something else, it has to emit 
> a different response, and a 303 redirect is appropriate. It also follows that 
> in the 200 case, the thing denoted has to be the kind of thing that can 
> possibly emit an HTTP response, thereby excluding a whole lot of things, such 
> as dogs, from being the referent in such cases.

Even with information resources there's a lot of flexibility in what
HTTP can legitimately respond with, there needn't be bitwise identity
across representations of an identified resource. Given this, I'm
proposing a description can be considered a good-enough substitute for
an identified thing. Bearing in mind it's entirely up to the publisher
if they wish to conflate things, and up to the consumer to try and
make sense of it.

As a last attempt - this is a tar pit! - doing my best to take on
board your (and other's) comments, I've wrapped up my claims in a blog
post: http://dannyayers.com/2011/06/15/httpRange-14-Reflux



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