On 6/17/11 1:46 AM, David Booth wrote:
I agree with TimBL that it is*good*  to distinguish between web pages
and dogs -- and we should encourage folks to do so -- because doing so
*does*  help applications that need this distinction.  But the failure to
make this distinction does*not*  break the web architecture any more
than a failure to distinguish between male dogs and female dogs.

Instead of *break* what about compromising or undermining flexibility implicit in AWWW? This is tantamount to obscuring the WWW potential relative to its broad user constituency.

Re. schema.org, I don't regard their effort as breaking, compromising, or undermining AWWW. I simply believe they are taking baby steps that are 100% defined by their current business models. Rightly or wrongly so, they have to protect their business models. In a sense, the same applies to academia and its model where grant funding is vital to research projects.

What is dangerous though, is encouraging people to misuse and misunderstand AWWW. Names and Addresses are distinct items. AWWW essence depends on preserving this vital distinction.

When there are more applications (+1 to Henry's comment about focusing on Linked Data apps and viral patterns) this lower level matter will vapourize.

Although not present (I am too young) I am certain similar arguments arose during the early days of silicon based computing between OS developers and programming language developers. I certainly know these conversations did arise when Spreadsheets vendors tackled Cell Reference functionality.

There are many useful cases in plain sight that many overlook re. power of URIs as data conductors, integrators, and access mechanisms. I think (based on my experience with this community and industry at large) that there is too much focus on reinventing too many parts of the consumption stack, from scratch. The key is to be "useful" but introduce "usefulness" unobtrusively if you really seek uptake. Naturally, this requires understanding of what already exists (i.e., domain and subject matter knowledge) and functionality areas addressed by existing solutions. Sorry, but if all you do is program, you cannot really understand the reality of end-users.

I like to make reference to Apple as a great anecdote because they've risen from near demise to the vanguard of modern computing by exploiting the InterWeb from the inside out, they don't see the Web as simply being about HTML. They understand that its a linked information space and future data space. They utilize this insight internally in a manner that just manifests as being "useful" to its ever growing customer base.

Remember, there's a lot of old NeXTStep still underlying what Apple does. Also remember, the WWW was built on an NeXT machine with a lot of inspiration from how its innards worked. Believe it or not, we are still playing catch up (circa. 20011) with NeXTStep and Unix in general re. really smart and useful Linked Data apps :-)

Embrace history and the future gets clearer and much more exciting. We have an unbelievable opportunity within grasp. We can embrace and extend (in a good way) what we may perceive as imperfections by others (e.g. schema.org). As Pat stated in an earlier post, these imperfections present opportunities that might even span decades before the behemoths out there hit their respective opportunity cost thresholds. Once said thresholds are hit they will respond accordingly via product fixes and/or enterprise acquisitions etc..

Contrary to popular belief, I will state once again that HTTP 303 is the poster child for ingenuity inherent in the HTTP protocol and the AWWW. Yes, we could also up the semantic smarts on clients and let a retrieved resource disambiguate Names and Addresses, but that only adds a burden to a target audience that's already challenged re:

1. recognizing linked data structures via directed graphs
2. recognizing that linked data structures have always been about links and that HTTP URIs are a powerful vehicle for expanding this concept to InterWeb scales 3. recognizing that de-reference (indirection) and address-of operations are achievable via URIs and cost-effectively so via HTTP URIs due to WWW ubiquity 4. understanding that RDF is *an option* for linked data structures at InterWeb scales, you can use other syntaxes without losing access to really useful stuff like RDFS and OWL semantics (which also suffers from over emphasis on RDF at expense of core syntax agnostic concepts).


1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spreadsheet#Cells
2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spreadsheet#Named_cells .



Kingsley Idehen 
President&  CEO
OpenLink Software
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