On 17/06/11 01:46, David Booth wrote:
I agree with TimBL that it is *good* to distinguish between web pages
and dogs -- and we should encourage folks to do so -- because doing so
*does* help applications that need this distinction.  But the failure to
make this distinction does *not* break the web architecture any more
than a failure to distinguish between male dogs and female dogs.
We've been encouraging people to do so. Most do not have the time to invest in complexity that they percieve no benefit from adding.

We need to reward people for good semantics by making sure there's tools and apps which add value for their business and activities.

Christopher Gutteridge -- http://id.ecs.soton.ac.uk/person/1248

/ Lead Developer, EPrints Project, http://eprints.org/
/ Web Projects Manager, ECS, University of Southampton, 
/ Webmaster, Web Science Trust, http://www.webscience.org/

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