On 24 Jul 2006, at 13:16, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I too would be interested in understanding why people in the life
sciences don't use URLs, because I think the advantage of using
them is absolutely huge. Being able to "GET my meaning" [1] makes
the Semantic web so easy to explain, so simple to read, so
beautiful all in all that one really needs to have an amazing
reason not to go that way.

What we need is a simple tool (preferably based on server-side PHP scripts) that we can use to 'publish' our ontologies automatically in the way you describe. Are there any? RAP [1] already has some of the functionality I am thinking of [2], but we would also need a tool that helps us generating the descriptive HTML for each resource. All of that should be possible through a simple, one-click 'upload & publish' function in the tool.

I don't describe a way to publish an ontology. Just a way to get the meaning of the terms in a document. When terms in a document are URLs, then one can GET each one and find their meaning. The beauty is that this makes the names self describing.

In the case of AtomOwl we use subversion to publish the ontology.


Currently we are having problems as dev.java.net does not correctly interpret the .htaccess file I placed here
for the content negotiation to work.

This is why I had to move the ontology to another server.
What you use to publish your ontology and keep track of changes is quite up to you, as long as when I find a term I don't understand I can just GET it.


[1] http://www.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/suhl/bizer/rdfapi/
[2] http://www.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/suhl/bizer/rdfapi/tutorial/ netapi.html



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