hi kei et al,

I would also like to contribute to the group paper.



Date:  Tue, 01 May 2007 15:39:22 -0400 
From:  Kei Cheung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Cc:  public-semweb-lifesci@w3.org 
Subject:  Re: ISMB Bio-Ontologies Meeting 
Quoting Kei Cheung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hi Matthias et al,
> It looks like there is some interest in writing a group paper describing 
> the demo work that is currently going on. Some people have already 
> proposed a couple of options such as the following:
> 1. ISMB BioOnt Workshop whose proceedings will be published in a 
> supplement issue of BMC Bioinformatics (is there a publication cost?)
> 2. Society for Neuroscience meeting (will it be published in a journal?)
> There are also other otpions. For example, there is a special issue 
> "Semantic BioMed Mashup" of the Journal of Biomedical Informatics 
> (http://www.elsevier.com/framework_products/promis_misc/jbi_semantic.pdf). 
> I have also seen community papers published in high-profile journals 
> such as Nature and Science. It depends on the quality of the work, but 
> it also depends on people's interest, commitment, availability ...
> The first HCLS paper (which will be published in BMC Bioinformatics 
> soon) talks about SW visions and use cases in the area of translational 
> medicine. A new paper paper (if we decide to write one) might focus on 
> the SW implementation of these visions and use cases. We have more 
> results now ...
> Best,
> -Kei
> >  
> >   
> >> It's something that we'd like to see:-)
> >>
> >> Phil
> >>     
> >
> > How much time would we have left to write such a community paper? The
> original deadline for submissions is May 1 (today).
> >
> > If some of us should decide to write such a community paper, I would
> volunteer to coordinate the collaborative writing via Google Docs. Many of us
> already have some practice in using this system, and I guess it would now
> work better than the last time.
> >
> > -- Matthias Samwald
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > .
> >   

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