On May 17, 2007, at 4:58 AM, Eric Jain wrote:

2. tools don't support reification well (just try writing a SPARQL query that queries statements about statements).

prefix dc: <http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/>
prefix sc: <http://purl.org/science/owl/sciencecommons/>
insert into graph <http://purl.org/commons/hcls/proto>
{ sc:s1 sc:p1 sc:o1.
  _:foo rdf:type rdf:Statement.
  _:foo rdf:subject sc:s1.
  _:foo rdf:predicate sc:p1.
  _:foo rdf:object sc:o1.
  _:foo dc:creator "Alan"

prefix dc: <http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/>
prefix sc: <http://purl.org/science/owl/sciencecommons/>
select  ?s ?p ?o ?by
from <http://purl.org/commons/hcls/proto>
{ ?s ?p ?o.
   ?statement rdf:type rdf:Statement.
   ?statement rdf:subject ?s.
   ?statement rdf:predicate ?p.
   ?statement rdf:object ?o.
   ?statement dc:creator ?by

(results in attached picture - in case it doesn't show up in line in your email)

Attachment: Picture 21.png
Description: application/applefile

<<inline: Picture 21.png>>

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