Regarding "Don't quite see any benefit in having another set of redirectable identifiers for the actual representations".

I have tried to explain this many times and I guess that I am just not good at it. Let me try again, by asking you to review some statements, and perhaps spend a few moments answering some questions about them, and providing the reasoning behind your answers:

- is out of date.
- dc:creator "eric jain"
- What has changed about in the last year? - Is mentioned in the paper identified by pubmed id 4030726?
- What sort of thing is
- An organism of what species created P12345? - An organism of what species created some instances of http:// - Can be represented as a sequence? A sequence of what?

Here are the questions that I would like if you could consider:
a) Does the statement make sense?
b) What does the statement mean?
c) By what algorithm should a (non human) semantic web agent determine the answers to the above.
d) How would you represent the statement in RDF?

Now perhaps you don't want to make such statements, but I think it would be presumptuous to think that others won't. As you work these, perhaps you may notice that they would be much easier to answer had they been phrased using "identifiers for the actual representations", and if there was a way to know in which cases we were even talking about a "representation" versus some stuff in the real world.

I suppose it might be possible to represent which header should be used in the content negotiation as part of the RDF, but a) It's got to be easier to just put that information in the name and b) In the case that you want to, e.g. mirror some contents of Uniprot on a file system, you will have to make up distinct names anyways? Maybe I'm dense, but I fail to see how content negotiation is of any use on the semantic web.

The cost to a provider, particularly one as important as Uniprot, to make it possible for others to unambiguously make statements, is extremely small compared to the cost that is and will be devoted to figuring out how to navigate the semantic web if it doesn't. It is cheap to provide distinct identifiers for the various things are referred to, and (in many cases) only slightly more expensive to provide some clarity about what these identifiers denote.


ps. LSIDs vs URI's aside, it's admirable (and greatly appreciated) that Uniprot is on the way to providing stable identifiers. I do hope you will be continuing in this effort to the bitter end:) For instance on the html page, we have URLs such as srsbin/cgi-bin/wgetz?-e+[HSSP-ID:'7aat'] which could be profitably hidden behind a redirect using the same mechanism that you are already using.

On Jul 12, 2007, at 11:56 AM, Eric Jain wrote:

Xiaoshu Wang wrote:
IMHO, I think it would be nicer and less confusing if you make ""; a skeleton and 303 redirect to either ""; or ""; depends on the value of Accept header.

That's what I am doing?

e.g. try

`curl -L -H "Accept: text/html" -v P12345` `curl -L -H "Accept: application/rdf+xml" -v http://`

...except that I redirect to: or

(Don't quite see any benefit in having another set of redirectable identifiers for the actual representations.)

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