On Jul 15, 2007, at 1:53 PM, Eric Jain wrote:
Alan Ruttenberg wrote:
The point of having the PURLs is to ensure that there is a mechanism for handling three cases that LSIDs were intended to address (but which can be addressed without the trouble of introducing a separate resolving mechanism) 1) To be immune from the "actual URL of the representation" changing. (e.g. beta.uniprot.org goes out of beta)
1) We'll do a 301 "permanent" redirection, promise.

Yes, but how will we handle the case where some set of people make statements with the subject being http://beta.uniprot.org/entry/P12345 and another set makes statements about http://uniprot.org/entry/P12345. They are really talking about the same subject, but our semantic web agent won't know that. If we had used the PURL, then we wouldn't have a problem.

Comments to your other points in separate email.


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