Matthias Samwald wrote:
The following is a prototype of a simple, easily deployable GUI based on
Flash and Sparql endpoints:


While the user is typing, the tool offers a list of auto-complete
options, based on Sparql queries to one or more Sparql endpoints. Scroll
down the page to find some examples and documentation.

Is there a debug mode where you can see what queries are sent in the background (without having to resort to Wireshark)? Pity that Firebug doesn't handle Flash...

The tool uses a simple RDF syntax called 'Leeetspeak'. Here is an
example of simple biological statements (two RDF triples):
acetylcholine                 <
  binds to                    <
    acetylcholine receptor    <
    acetylcholinesterase      <

I've also been thinking a lot about more "friendly" shorthand syntaxes; showing the URIs to one side is an interesting solution!

The user face is deliberately focused on typing text instead of fancy
graphics and menus, because this can speed up the creation of RDF
tremendously. Rearranging / templating is just a matter of copying and
pasting text.

That's a good point: The form-based nature of most such tools may be great for some uses, but makes them unpractical for people (such as our database curators) who have to enter and review lots of complex data all day long. They'd go mad with all the clicking they'd have to do e.g. in Protege :-)

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