Hi Susie et al.,

Since SenseLab’s Semantic Web development has been a part of the HCLS activities, I would like to suggest its new development as part of the future HCLS activities. One suggestion is the extension of “Entrez Neuron” to become a Semantic Web portal for mashing up neuroscientific data provided by different sources. I added a description of this project to the wiki page, but I also appended the project description below.



Project title: Semantic Web Portal for Neuroscientific Data Mashup

As the need for neuroscience data integration is growing and the number of neuroscientific datasets available in RDF/OWL format is increasing, we are presently at the neuroinformatics frontier of exploring the full potential of Semantic Web technologies in enabling integrative neuroscience research (including translational research) that requires integration of diverse types of neuroscientific data provided by different sources in heterogeneous formats. As a pilot project, we have prototyped a user-friendly Web application called “Entrez Neuron” that allows the user to perform keyword searches for neuron-related information across multiple data sources (OWL ontologies) including SenseLab (NeuronDB and ModelDB) ontologies and CCDB (Cell Centered Database) ontologies. Our future plan is to expand this pilot application to become a Semantic Web Portal that allows semantic mashup of diverse types of data in neuroscientifically meaningful ways. To achieve this, we propose to include additional data/ontology sources and create different facets that represent user-centric aspects (or views) of ontologies. For example, “Entrez Neuron” currently features a “brain region/neuron” facet for organizing query results (about neurons) based on anatomical structure. Such a hierarchical structure is intuitive to neuroscientists, while benefiting from the machine use of ontologies in terms of querying, organizing, and integrating data. Additional facets that we are implementing/considering include (but not limited to) drug, disease, pathway, phenotype, gene functions, etc.

Project members: Kei Cheung, Matthias Samwald, Ernest Lim, Luis Marenco

Susie M Stephens wrote:

I've created a Wiki page where people can propose projects for BioRDF to
work on until the end of April [1]. It'd be great if you could post any
ideas that you may have.



[1] http://esw.w3.org/topic/HCLSIG_BioRDF_Subgroup/Brainstorming

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