On Feb 12, 2008, at 3:58 PM, Kei Cheung wrote:

Hi Olivier, Alan, et al,

A prototype version of our neuroscience semantic web portal is accessible at: http://neuroweb3.med.yale.edu

Nice :)

Bear in mind, this is a working prototype for proof of concept and it is still under active development. The Web interface has 3 panels: search panel (on top), facet panel (below the search panel on the left) and data panel (below the search panel on the right). The user can enter a key word and select a facet and data sources (ontologies) against which the key word is searched. The search results are displayed and organized based on the selected facet. Each leaf node (neuron, neuron property, gene, or drug target (receptor)) of the facet tree can be selected for retrieving more detailed information from each of the selected data sources. Currently, we have implemented 4 facets: neuron (default), neuron properties, gene, and drug. While the first two facets were created based on the SenseLab and CCDB ontologies, gene facet was created based on GO's molecular functions and the drug facet was created based on ChEBI.

I think MeSH can potentially be a source for creating new facets (e.g., diseases, drug actions, etc) ...

If you can supply a list of genes, you can retrieve a set of mesh terms by linking via entrez gene to pubmed, then to mesh. Same if you supply a list of pubmed ids. You can also limit to a specific branch of mesh easily enough. If that's the sort of think you had in mind, let me know and I can construct the query, or Matthias can.

Also, I have a question regarding retrieval of entez gene information including gene ids, symbols, and snyonyms. Is such information available from the HCLS KB and/or RDF entrez gene dataset that Olivier's group had created?

Separate email.

For educational purposes, perhaps have an option to show the sparql queries you use to retrieve the information and offer a sparql endpoint to let people play with fiddling the queries.




Alan Ruttenberg wrote:

On Feb 11, 2008, at 3:34 PM, Olivier Bodenreider wrote:

eric neumann wrote:
I haven't been good at following the calls lately, but still am sympathetic to the endeavor and committed to helping as I can (just not quite efficiently).
Starting with MeSH might be a good idea as it it does not have the intellectual restrictions inherent to other sources in the UMLS. Moreover, MeSH is available in XML and could be easily transformed into RDF, allowing for a possible resolution of the URIs.

There is already one RDF translation in the KB (script from Van Assem et. al., modified by Jonathan). This is in to SKOS. There's also a prototype uri scheme that we used in the demo, if you are looking for a model.


-- Olivier


On Feb 11, 2008 9:58 AM, Matthias Samwald <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    I have also added several ideas to the wiki page [1]:

    * OBO Structured Digital Abstracts
    * SIOC for Science
    * OntoWiki and Semantic MediaWiki
    * HCLS KB Decentralisation
    * Define a simplified OWL-to-RDF mapping for a subset of OWL

    Matthias Samwald
    Semantic Web Company / DERI Galway / Yale Center for Medical

[1] http://esw.w3.org/topic/HCLSIG_BioRDF_Subgroup/ Brainstorming

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