Folks expressed interest in the "Quantified Self Movement" today on the Scientific Discourse call and I thought that the a brief summary of the group (below) might be of interest. Much of the data donated by "quantified selfers" is available on Twitter, Facebook, and other social websites. So, there is sure to be some creative ways to involved these folks in research. The write up was done by a student in my lab over the summer, so some information has likely changed.

kind regards,
-Rich Boyce


"Quantified Self Movement"

The Quantified Self Movement is a generation of people who are dedicating their lives to using technology when dealing with their health. Various tracking devices allow them to share their results with the other group members. This in turn motivates them to keep on track with their own health plans and support others with their plans. This niche group of people, in their 20s and 30s and mostly male, believe that tracking details about their everyday health patterns can help them make better health choices [1]. Some are fitness buffs, some are simply techno-geeks, and others are plagued by chronic conditions. They all have a similar interest however, in using numerous technological devices to track and map out their health all in the hopes of improving their well-being.

This group of people tend to be educated, middle-class citizens who can both afford and understand these devices. They have the curiosity and drive to take control of their own health without doctors and insurance co-pays, They are researchers, programmers, engineers and health professionals. Many got interested in the movement because they themselves were using a device to track some component about their health [1]. They are not embarressed to share health information with others as a potential long-term goal of the movement is to sync data with larger, centralized databases that may be used for research. The movement has its own website and set of followers who may go to meetings and blog as a way to keep in touch with others [2]. It is a growing movement with followers from many different backgrounds who are each looking to get something different out of tracking their health. In the end, this is what will improve their health and their lifestyle.

There are many devices which members follow. There are currently 446 tools listed on the Quantified Self movement's guide [3]. These range from free website tools to those costing upward of $100. They all have reviews from members which is an important part of the movement, what worked for some might not work for others. For example, FitBit tracks all physical activity during the day or night and then syncs up with a computer to upload the various data. It's price is $99.95 and users can blog about various uses on the website itself [4]. Another example of a device is MoodScope, a free app available for your smart phone. It tracks your mood using a card game and updates can be sent to friends through emails which can help ones mood in itself [5].





5. _http://www.moodscope.com_

On 10/10/2011 11:01 AM, Jodi Schneider wrote:
Patient advocacy/self-surveillance came up on the call today, so I wanted to point out that the first Quantified Self Europe will be held in Amsterdam this November 26-27 (the Saturday & Sunday of Thanksgiving). Here are the topics they're interested in:

In case anyone is interested in collaborating on a talk but can't present, let me know in the next day or two: I will be attending.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: *Gary Wolf* < <>>
Date: Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 1:59 AM
Subject: Re: Invitation to present at Quantified Self Conference, Europe 2011 To: Quantified Self Conference < <>>

Dear QS friends,

I'm very glad you are coming to the Quantified Self conference in Amsterdam next month. The conference is a community-driven event. All the talks and presentation come from regular registered attendees; our job is to build a wonderful atmosphere and a format that makes it easy for you to share your knowledge and learn from others.

In this spirit, I would like to invite you like to give a short Show&Tell talk. If you have a self-tracking project or story, data visualization, design idea, or tool, we want to hear about it. If you have something you'd like to show, but are unsure about how to structure your talk, use this format:

*/What did you do?

How did you do it?

What did you learn?
/(For more on what makes a good Quantified Self talk, see this post: Our Three Prime Questions <>)*/
We are deeply committed to helping QS folks find each other for helpful conversation and collaboration. To get on the list, just send me a short note about your topic. I'll do my best to get everybody who has something valuable to share onto the program.

If you want to talk, please reply to both Ernesto Ramirez and myself, including your name, topic, and any web links that might be useful. Ernesto and I will follow up with some practical information about slides, speaking time, etc.

Thank you!


Richard Boyce, PhD
Assistant Professor of Biomedical Informatics
Scholar, Comparative Effectiveness Research Program
University of Pittsburgh

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