Dear all,

With apologies for the delay, here are the notes of the call of two weeks ago:

We agreed to have a joint call every four weeks, with the other three slots 
being open for the Use Cases to discuss internally. 

This means that the schedule for the past/present/future 9 weeks is: 

November 28: UC 1
December 5: UC 2
December 12: UC 3
December 19: Joint call
December 26: Cancelled due to Christmas
January 2: UC 1
January 9: UC 2
January 16: UC 3
January 23: Joint call

at which point we will reevaluate this schedule/setup. 

Everyone is welcome to join the calls for the Use Cases but please contact the 
UC lead to make sure the call is on, first. 

The joint calls will contain a brief update from each use case and an invited 
We are inviting suggestions for invited speakers for the next two calls, on 
December 17 and January 23. 

Please let Tim or myself know if you have any further questions or suggestions. 

With kind regards, 

- Anita.  

Anita de Waard
Disruptive Technologies Director, Elsevier Labs
Elsevier B.V. Registered Office: Radarweg 29, 1043 NX Amsterdam, The 
Netherlands, Registration No. 33156677 (The Netherlands)

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