
  I am looking for evidence I can quote to convince non-experts of the
significance of applying Semantic Web to biomedical research,
especially computational cell biology.

  I need a recorded public statement from a source recognizable as
authoritative to a non-expert: e.g. could be from a relevant
government agency, a well-known research institution (including major
grad schools and companies), a well-known (i.e. well-known outside the
field) expert, some one where a brief look at the biography
immediately suggests he or she is an authority, some one quoted in
major media, etc.

  Significance could mean abstract things like advancing science and
health care, but even better would be tangible things like: saves
lives, saves money, cures cancer/malaria/AIDS, creates jobs, etc.

  Thanks a lot!

     Take care

Oliver Ruebenacker, Computational Cell Biologist
Virtual Cell (http://vcell.org)
SBPAX: Turning Bio Knowledge into Math Models (http://www.sbpax.org)

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