That's a good point.
But my argument, and borrowing Jeff Bezos words (when he introduced amazon
cloud technologies to the world), is that "Semantic web technologies does
the muck so that physicians and life sciences researchers don't have to"!

On Thu, Dec 22, 2011 at 1:12 PM, Matthias Samwald <> wrote:

> **
> Hi Lena,
> "Although this was not achieved using the LODD cloud or semantic web
> technologies, it illustrates the same type of network analysis that we are
> trying to enable for linked life sciences and health care data. "
> Then it is a problematic example -- after all this could also be
> interpreted as an illustration of how such things can be achieved without
> SW technologies!
>  - Matthias
>  *From:* Helena Deus <>
> *Sent:* Thursday, December 22, 2011 1:16 PM
> *To:* Oliver Ruebenacker <>
> *Cc:* public-semweb-lifesci <>
> *Subject:* Re: Evidence of Significance of Semantic Web for Life Sciences
> Hi Oliver,
> Related example:
>  “To clear some of the haze surrounding side effects, scientists from
> Harvard Medical School and Children’s Hospital Boston created a network
> linking 809 medications to 852 side effects that were known as of 2005. The
> team also added information to their network on chemical properties, such
> as the drug’s melting point and molecular weight, and where the drug does
> its stuff in the body. Using these data and relationships alone, the
> computer predicted side effects that were reported in later years, such as
> the seizure drug zonisamide causing suicidal thoughts in some people and
> the antibiotic norfloxacin’s link to ruptured tendons. It also linked the
> controversial diabetes drug Avandia (rosiglitazone) to heart attacks, a
> connection that is supported by some research.”
> Although this was not achieved using the LODD cloud or semantic web
> technologies, it illustrates the same type of network analysis that we are
> trying to enable for linked life sciences and health care data.
> Best,
> Lena
> On Wed, Dec 21, 2011 at 4:39 PM, Oliver Ruebenacker <>wrote:
>>     Hello,
>>  I am looking for evidence I can quote to convince non-experts of the
>> significance of applying Semantic Web to biomedical research,
>> especially computational cell biology.
>>  I need a recorded public statement from a source recognizable as
>> authoritative to a non-expert: e.g. could be from a relevant
>> government agency, a well-known research institution (including major
>> grad schools and companies), a well-known (i.e. well-known outside the
>> field) expert, some one where a brief look at the biography
>> immediately suggests he or she is an authority, some one quoted in
>> major media, etc.
>>  Significance could mean abstract things like advancing science and
>> health care, but even better would be tangible things like: saves
>> lives, saves money, cures cancer/malaria/AIDS, creates jobs, etc.
>>  Thanks a lot!
>>     Take care
>>     Oliver
>> --
>> Oliver Ruebenacker, Computational Cell Biologist
>> Virtual Cell (
>> SBPAX: Turning Bio Knowledge into Math Models (
> --
> Helena F. Deus
> Post-Doctoral Researcher at DERI/NUIG

Helena F. Deus
Post-Doctoral Researcher at DERI/NUIG

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