Hi Michel,

Thanks for your comments. There definitely will need to be more specific deliverables identified at some point. I guess I'm thinking of it initially as an umbrella under which various specific milestones and deliverables will be identified and pursued as the group prioritizes its work. The intent of the draft is to explicitly call out the overall goal of using RDF to achieve semantic interoperability, under which many sub-goals would need to be pursued along the say. The other HL7 charters I read were all quite short -- one or two pages -- but maybe it would be good to include a bit more detail?


On 05/13/2014 04:58 PM, Michel Dumontier wrote:
   I'm excited about the prospect, but I think the work group may be a
bit too broad without further refinement. I'd like to see a charter
articulated with a more specific focus, and identifying milestones that
deliver concrete outcomes (specifications, implementations, reports)
around targeted areas of urgent need.
  More importantly, I'd like to know what the uptake will be (e.g. who
will implement this), and how plans on using it.



Michel Dumontier
Associate Professor of Medicine (Biomedical Informatics), Stanford
Chair, W3C Semantic Web for Health Care and the Life Sciences Interest Group

On Tue, May 13, 2014 at 7:54 AM, David Booth <da...@dbooth.org
<mailto:da...@dbooth.org>> wrote:

    I was at the HL7 meetings last week, and the idea arose of proposing
    an HL7 work group on RDF for Semantic Interoperability.  I took the
    initiative to draft a possible charter.  I meant to send it out
    earlier in case folks would like to discuss the idea on our 11:00am
    Eastern HCLS call today.  Attached is what I've drafted.  I'll join
    the call and see if anyone wants to discuss it.  Sorry for the late

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