I probably will not get to Chicago next week, unfortunately.

On 09/10/2014 03:30 PM, peter.hend...@kp.org wrote:
Sounds good. I'll be in Chicago HL7 next week. Will you too?

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From:  David Booth <da...@dbooth.org>
Cc:  public-semweb-lifesci@w3.org
Date:  09/10/2014 12:08 PM
Subject:    Re: HCLS Agenda Thursday (tomorrow): Roadmap on RDF for
Healthcare   Information Interoperability (Yosemite Project)

Hi Peter,

On 09/10/2014 01:03 PM, peter.hend...@kp.org wrote:
 > We (Kaiser) are working with Ian Horrock's group at Oxford on a project
 > for automating HEDIS reports using RDFox.
 > RDFox is a novel kind of RDF store that can use OWL-RL and Datalog and
 > can do massively parallel processing.


 > For the RDF models, I really hope they are not so ad hoc, but that they
 > follow the HL7 V3 backbone idea of starting top ontology levels with
 > Entities Roles participations and Acts.  It is key to have this for all
 > of the models to be HL7 compatible.  If the RDF healthcare models start
 > with this level, then they will be compatible with HL7 V2 and CDA etc.

Certainly the intent is to make use of existing models -- HL7 and
others.  In particular, to:

  - Capture *existing* and new models -- whatever they are -- in RDF and
OWL so that they have a common semantic basis, and relationships between
them can then be captured in RDF and OWL.

  - Promote standards convergence of those models -- to reduce or
eliminate redundancy -- using RDF and OWL as a common semantic basis for
expressing them.

  - Facilitate crowd-sourcing of data translations for instance data
express in different data models and vocabularies, by using RDF as a
common information representation.


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 > From:  David Booth <da...@dbooth.org>
 > To:  w3c semweb HCLS <public-semweb-lifesci@w3.org>
 > Date:  09/10/2014 08:43 AM
 > Subject:    Re: HCLS Agenda Thursday (tomorrow): Roadmap on RDF for
 > Healthcare  Information Interoperability (Yosemite Project)
 > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 > P.S. If anyone is interested but cannot make this call tomorrow, please
 > let me know by email, so that we can follow up separately.  I still want
 > your input!
 > On 09/10/2014 11:36 AM, David Booth wrote:
 >  > Agenda Thursday (tomorrow):
 >  >
 >  > 1. Yosemite Project: A Roadmap for Healthcare Information
 >  > Interoperability, based on RDF as a universal information exchange
 >  > language.  These slides were presented at the Semantic Technology and
 >  > Business Conference in August, and a draft version was discussed on a
 >  > previous HCLS call.  This will be a rapid review, followed by
 >  > solicitation of comments/suggestions: Is this roadmap correct?
 >  > Complete?  How might it be better described?  Slides:
 >  > http://dbooth.org/2014/yosemite/yosemite-project-slides.pdf
 >  >
 >  > 2. Discuss potential collaboration and funding strategies for the
 >  > Yosemite Project roadmap.
 >  >
 >  >  > Thursdays, 11:00am Eastern US (Boston) time zone
 >  >  > Zakim (W3C teleconference bridge).
 >  >  > Dial-In #: _+1.617.761.6200_ <tel:%2B1.617.761.6200>
(Cambridge, MA)
 >  >  > VoIP address: _sip:zakim@voip.w3.org_
 >  >  > Participant Access Code: 4257 ("HCLS")
 >  >  > IRC: _irc.w3.org_ <http://irc.w3.org/> port 6665 channel #HCLS
 >  >
 >  > Thanks,
 >  > David

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