Cameron McCormack wrote:
  * In the first sentence of section 6, I’d do /either/any of/, since there
    are more than two interfaces listed.


  * There’s a newer Web IDL WD available than the one referenced (with
    the new name) so it might be good to reference that.  Then you can
    use [WEBIDL] as the reference link text instead.

This will happen as soon as Bert updates the bibliographic database for the spec generator. I've emailed him to let him know.

  * In section 6, I don’t think it’s necessary to explicitly mention
    undefined, since it’s already handled by the annotation in the IDL.
    If you do want to include this in the prose, I think it needs to be
    qualified to say that this applies to an ECMAScript language binding
    of the interface.  (null’s OK, since you can talk about null at the
    level of IDL values so it’s applicable to any language.)

I don't see why this is a problem. Technically both null and undefined are handled by the IDL, but stating it implicitly in the prose makes it clearer. I haven't made this change yet, because I want to avoid making non-editorial changes at this stage. But feel free to convince me during this next LC period.

  * s/an an asterisk/an asterisk/ in section 6.1.


Lachlan Hunt - Opera Software

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