Gregory Reimer (the author of reglib) points out that Element.matchesSelector would be useful for event delegation.

It would also neatly tie in with NodeFilter in DOM-Traversal, facilitating something like a live querySelectorAll() during document load.

Unfortunately I had assumed it was in the spec. I've looked now and seen that it wasn't considered due to a lack of presented use cases, which seems non-sensical. matchesSelector() is to querySelectorAll() as tagName is to getElementsByTagName(). The only reason for it not to be in the spec is if it is harmful.

The only complication I can see is supporting the :scope pseudo-attribute.


Charles McCathieNevile wrote:


Lachy thinks the latest editor's draft[1] is ready for Last Call, after responding to all the comments from last time (and removing the NSResolver). The disposition of comments[2] explains what happened to those comments.

So this is a call for Consensus to publish the Editor's Draft [1] of the Selectors API spec as a Last Call. Please respond before Monday November 10. As always, silence is taken as assent but an explicit response is preferred.

Opera supports publication of this draft as a Last Call.




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