On Wed, 04 Feb 2009 15:42:08 +0100, Jon Ferraiolo <jfer...@us.ibm.com> wrote:

The Web Apps WG should create yet another (short) widget spec, which would be an Open Web profile spec that simply provides a checklist for
two interoperability levels for conformance. In both profiles, the user
agent would be required to implement all of the various Widgets spec. One
interoperability profile would require support for the vague notion of
"HTML" (defacto standard HTML, not XHTML) and the other profile would
require support for SVG Tiny 1.2. Both profiles should mandate OMTP BONDI.

Err, why exactly should this group mandate a spec that has so far been developed in secret among a consortium of pay-to-play members? It might make sense for BONDI to be submitted here, and I hope that it is as good as it will need to be, but I don't see any reason to simply take it on trust that it is perfect when we haven't even seen it.

To me, such a spec would help promote open, interoperability technologies
in the widget space. This spec could be on a delayed timeline (i.e.
approved after the other widget specs)...
but just having drafts out there would show the community what the interoperability target is.

Yes, it makes sense in practice to say what kind of baselines are generally supported (I don't know that this needs to be a recommendation - it would make a fairly useful note just as a rough table).

Doing this as an occasionaly working group note would mean it is quite easy process wise, and that might be the best approach.



Charles McCathieNevile  Opera Software, Standards Group
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