On Friday, November 20, 2009 4:44 AM, Charles McCathieNevile wrote:
> On Fri, 20 Nov 2009 06:23:38 +0100, Adrian Bateman
> <adria...@microsoft.com> wrote:
> > ...As I noted at TPAC, at Microsoft we don't think we'll collectively
> > be able to achieve reasonable interop because of the SQL dialect issue
> ...
> > it seems unlikely that there will be two independent interoperable
> > implementations at the SQL level which makes moving to Last Call
> > potentially problematic...
> I expect to see interoperable implementations from Opera and Apple/Chrome
> - so although you can argue that iPhone-Safari and Safari are hardly
> independent, I think we will easily get a couple of truly independent
> interoperable versions.

I was under the impression that Opera were using the same SQLite library as 
Apple/Google to provide the SQL implementation (obviously the JavaScript part 
Web Database API implementation would be independent). If that is not the case 
then I agree that they are independent however using the same library is a 
single implementation of the SQL dialect part of the spec.

> > I do wonder whether it might make sense to include an editor's note in
> > the WD indicating that independent implementations of the SQL dialect
> > aren't currently anticipated just so that anyone unfamiliar with this
> > conversation would be aware from the spec.
> I think the spec should be more careful, stating something like "we do
> not currently anticipate that browsers will all implement the spec", and
> pointing to the WebSimpleDB as a *more likely* implementation based on
> current knowledge.

That seems reasonable.



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