On 2012-07-11 15:11, Arthur Barstow wrote:
Yesterday Hixie closed several of the Web Sockets bugs mentioned in the
e-mail below and he updated others. I think this now provides a basis to
determine if we have consensus to publish a Candidate Recommendation. As
such, this is a Call for Consensus to publish a Candidate Recommendation
of Web Sockets.

I propose the CR be based on the May 24 LC [1] plus include:

1. The editorial patch for 17224 [2]

2. The patch [3] to remove the TreatNonCallableAsNull qualifier for some
attributes. If anyone considers this change as substantive, please speak
up. Cameron - what's your opinion on this?


* 12510 - as Hixie indicated in the bug, if anyone is willing to create
a patch, please contact Hixie privately and please let me know of your

I'll re-state that the current spec is under defined, and should not be published.

As far as I can tell, the W3C team will have to tune some parts of the spec anyway, so why not also insert the missing links?

(If the answer to that is: "too much work" then why do you consider that it's not a problem for the *audience* of the spec?)

Best regards, Julian

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