On Mon, 03 Dec 2012 14:07:40 +0100, Ms2ger <ms2...@gmail.com> wrote:

On 12/03/2012 01:44 PM, Charles McCathie Nevile wrote:
Just a reminder: this group is a forum for discussion of technical
specifications, and follows the existing W3C process. Discussion of what
process *should* be is off topic here.

I find it unfortunate that you try to cut off discussions relevant to technical issues with our specifications by calling them "process" discussions.

And we the chairs find it unfortunate that you continue to bombard the working group with discussions of and objections based on process, simply because there are technical considerations to what the process of this organisation should be.

This is a formal warning. The discussion is off topic, so please desist.

 From my understanding reasons for the practice include the following:
  - W3C aims to provide stable specifications that can be used as
references which won't change. This is a general underpinning of its
policy for specifications published as "TR" documents. Making a
normative reference to an unstable document obviously defeats this purpose.

The argument that "TR" documents are in some way more "stable" than other documents is simply fallacious. This has been discussed at length here and in other venues;

By stable, we mean "are formally published as a stable reference". The technical issues this brings up, as I said in this thread, are known.

 I won't go into it again.

Thank you. In this working group, please apply the same approach to other discussions of W3C process.

Furthermore, I should point out that referencing the TR draft of WebIDL would (if anybody tried to implement the TR spec and its TR references; nobody does, of course) lead to a specification that is not implementable. The WebIDL used in XHR is not valid according to the 19 April 2012 CR of WebIDL.

[chaals' example of currently unwritten requirements]
I find this comparison, in particular, to be unhelpful and rather rude.

I'm sorry. If you'd like to discuss this further, in an appropriate forum, I will endeavour to find a comparison more to your taste. Otherwise, please accept my apologies.

Nobody is suggesting using expletives in specifications. The only parallel I can imagine with the current situation is that some people seem offended by the existence of the WHATWG, and for some reason want to make sure no W3C publication ever mentions it.

This is a misrepresentation of the facts, unless you have special knowledge of some person's individual motivation. In particular, both the chairs and many others have repeatedly expressed that credit should be given where credit is due, and in particular that appropriate references to WHAT-WG documents on the same topic are the sort of thing that should be in the spec, because that kind of reference is expected of "socially competent adults". This is a currently accepted consensus of the group, and I do not recall having seen any dissent.

It is also an extension of the discussion, and an inappropriate ascription of motives to others.

The question here is whether WHAT-WG documents are suitable as *normative references for W3C specifications*.

I had hoped we had been able to come to a somewhat more mature
relationship between this WG and the WHATWG after the recent
discussions about attribution, but changes like this make me
lose confidence in the goals of the W3C Team and the chairs of
this WG on this matter.

That is unfortunate.

I maintain my technical objections to the publication.

The chairs maintain that your objection is not technical.

In any event, we draw your attention to the sentence
Consensus is not a prerequisite for approval to publish; the Working Group MAY request publication of a Working Draft even if it is unstable and does not meet all Working Group requirements.
]]] - http://www.w3.org/2005/10/Process-20051014/tr.html#first-wd

in section 7.4.1 of the process document. We note your objection, and resolve to publish the Working Draft.

for the chairs


Charles McCathie Nevile - Consultant (web standards) CTO Office, Yandex
      cha...@yandex-team.ru         Find more at http://yandex.com

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