On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 5:22 PM, Shijun Sun <shij...@microsoft.com> wrote:
> This is very helpful.  I assume the "browser" running the service worker can 
> be a very light-weight version (or a subset of the full browser) since we 
> don't need to render an actual webpage.  Is that the right expectation?

If you can split that somehow it might be somewhat lighter weight,
yes, but I wouldn't expect that to be easy.

> I agree we don't want to display a notification for each push message.  
> Meanwhile, for certain type of messages (e.g. realtime communications), we 
> don't want to miss them or delay them, e.g. an incoming video call.  I'm 
> trying to figure out which of the following should be the right flow for the 
> scenario.  Please let me know if you see other options.

I started an exploratory thread on letting the service worker open up
some kind of window that could help with this, but I suspect it's
still too early.

>   (1) the Push Client displays a notification right away, the user chooses to 
> pick up the call or dismiss, the browser launch with the app based on user 
> decision.
>   (2) The Push Client wakes up the browser, which start the service worker, 
> which pushes a notification, then the user can decide whether to answer the 
> call, the app launches based on user decision or browser goes back to sleep.
> Re #2, I'm still fuzzy about the schedule of the service worker, so ask the 
> question again, would there be a delay if the service worker is not scheduled 
> to run when the message comes in?

(1) will also likely involve a service worker or an even slower
network fetch to get to the application, as I pointed out.


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