On 16 October 2014 11:17, John Mellor <joh...@google.com> wrote:
> In our prototype on Android, it takes less than a second (not yet optimized)
> to wake up Chrome from a cold start and handle the event in a Service Worker
> (the demo writes to IndexedDB and shows a notification), versus less than
> 100ms to handle the event when Chrome and the SW are already running. Since
> push messages aren't usually triggered by a user action (like a button
> click), but instead by some external event, these latencies are already
> likely to be imperceptible to users.

If the push message is being used to deliver a call notification, that
sort of delay will definitely be noticed.  And I'm assuming that
you've tested on a high end Nexus or something like that.  Add the
latencies involved in waking an idle device and that turns into a very
long post-dial delay.  People abandon calls for that sort of delay.

Not saying that you are doing it wrong or anything, but just trying to
set the right expectations.

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