On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 12:03 PM, Liam <pub...@networkimprov.net> wrote:

> Seems to me that a reliability extension can be quite simple... It needs an
> ack mechanism, and a configurable retry/fail policy on the server. It's
> sorta surprising the core protocols lack this, IMO...
The core protocol is designed to be very basic, but I imagine than a
hypothetical XMPP 1.1 could include the stream management extensions.  As
far as ejabberd supporting your needs, you should realize that ejabberd is
designed specifically as an IM service, not as a generic messaging
middleware.  I imagine they are working on implementing they are considering
or already implementing stream management in ejabberd for reliable messaging
amongst other things, but remember that the XMPP world is not just ejabberd.

As StPeter mentioned in his reply while I was writing this, IQ-based
delivery really is what you're looking for.

If you'd like to influence the direction of XMPP protocol development,
please get involved.  This is a community, not a service company; saying
that it doesn't fit your needs is unlikely to influence the protocol.
However, working with us to come up with solutions for your use-case, or
even directly asking for help with your problem is much more effective.

What we could do better, as a community, is educate people on how to
effectively use extensions in their products -- practical application.
There has been some talk of this, and I admit that this is where we have
fallen short for you.

Nathan Fritz

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