On Tue Aug 17 09:30:00 2010, Candide Kemmler wrote:

On 16 Aug 2010, at 16:00, Dave Cridland wrote:

> On Sun Aug 15 12:21:15 2010, Candide Kemmler wrote:
>> I'm very interested in the PEP xep, in particular in combination with the User Activity XEP. However, I have a few remarks about the specification as it is. Also, maybe it is just me, but I can't seem to find any meaningful implementation of PEP among existing clients and servers. The best I could do is with tigase and psi: I enabled the "Publish tunes" in the psi client and I could indeed see that the xml was pushed to another client in the XML console. But that's about it: an XML message in a debugging console. I think pep is pretty cool and I wonder why it's not given a bit more attention from implementors. > I think it depends on the client. I personally find Gajim is doing very well here, publishing and displaying information as the "rich presence" it was intended to be.

Unfortunately, it turned out to be a real pain to try to run Gajim on my Mac, so I will have to trust your word for it :(

Well, I think Psi does display things like Tune and Mood in places, too.

>> Now to something more important: as I understand it publishing activities is an all-or-nothing option: subscribers can optionally filter out activities they are not interested in, but I cannot myself choose which activities I'd like to share with a specific friend or group of friends. That's too bad: I was thinking of activities as a way to share statistics - sports statistics for example, and I don't want to potentially bother everyone with these statistics (or force them to filter them out). Another use would be for me to share some bad habit, like alcool, smoking or drug use for example, while seeking support from a (potentially anonymous) group of people who share the habit. In that case, I obviously wouldn't even want others to know that I have that kind of behaviour. > Well, the activity node *can* be filtered out to only specific people, but it's not often a feature available in the server - changing the access model and configuration of the PEP node will allow this.

As I understand it, pubsub allows several access models for nodes, one of them being for example "whitelist". Yes, but that still means that everyone can _see_ the node, hence anyone would see that I'm tracking, let's say, my eating habits, and I don't want that.

The problem is that nodes are discoverable, yes. What you need is a configuration button that changes whether nodes are discoverable by those without permission to use the node. I've argued that we need something similar for MUC, too.

>> My third remark is on statistics: aside from the type of activity, there's a lot of additional info that users are likely to be wanting to track, if they bother to log their activity in the first place: let's mention: duration of an exercising session, amount spent on a meal, title of book being read, etc... It would be great to allow people to add such information. > I don't think there's anything preventing you from adding extra information there, except that you may well not want to receive all that information.
> I do quite like the notion of advertising the book I'm reading, for instance, but I wouldn't put that in User Activity, I'd put that somewhere else - much like User Tune isn't bundled into Activity.

Well then, that opens up for a whole infinite list of XEPs, one for every kind of activity. That's essentially the problem I'm trying to solve: IMO "Personal Eventing Protocol" should allow people to state all sorts of events that are affecting their lives, according to _them_. The key word here is probably semantics. There must be a way for users to create their own semantics for events they deem enough important for them to track. I'm thinking along the lines of _basic_ semantic web stuff, like: users should be able to create statement types, like say: "reading" [book_title] [book_author]? [isbn]?, or "ran" [distance] "miles", etc... then share the statement types so other user can use them as well if they want to.

No, PEP is a very simple framework for allowing additional streams of events about (typically) a person.

You want, firstly, something closer to pubsub-onna-jid - ie, you want configurable nodes, access-models, etc.

Secondly, you then need to establish a well-known node for each category of information. At the least, you need this to establish differentiated access control, but you also need it to allow selectivity of the information stream by the consumer.

You seem to be arguing for an additional method to do this beyond PEP/PubSub's innate ability.

Dave Cridland - mailto:d...@cridland.net - xmpp:d...@dave.cridland.net
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