On Tue, 2 Feb 2021, Sean Greenslade wrote:

By default, new sound devices don't take over existing streams. In
pavucontrol under the playback tab, there should be a dropdown menu for
each client listing which card it is currently sending audio to. Try
starting a sound playback and switching its dropdown to the USB device.


Thanks for the quick response.

I started a .mp3 using Audacious and pavucontrol's Playback tab shows
Applications (see attached screenshot.)

Under the "output devices" tab, there is a checkmark button next to the
sound devices. This lets you specify which device is the default. It won't
force existing streams over to it, however, and it won't prevent some
clients from remembering their previous soundcard, so you may still need
to manually move some clients over to the new soundcard.

There are two devices shown, including the headphones. The checkmark box has
2 states represented by light grey and lighter grey (see attached
screenshot). Both tooltips say the active checkmark is to 'Set for
fallback.' By trial-and-error I think the darker grey is the active state
(it is for the mute button.) Regardless, no sound is heard with any
combination of checkmark button states for the two output devices.

If you have more ideas please share them with me and I'll report the

Stay well,

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