On Sun, Feb 07, 2021 at 06:30:18AM -0800, Rich Shepard wrote:
> On Thu, 4 Feb 2021, Sean Greenslade wrote:
> > Under the "Output Devices" tab, some of the outputs may have a "Port"
> > dropdown selector. ... The "Logitach H5703 Stereo Analog Stereo" device is
> > the important one, and it should be left on its default port selection of
> > "Headphones." Also verify that the device is not muted, and that the
> > volume slider is at a reasonable position.
> Sean,
> Yes, it has the port of Headphones, is unmulted, and has the volume slider
> at 100%
> > Under the "Playback" tab, there will be a list of programs currently
> > playing sound.
> Audacious is running and a song is playing.
> > Now, next to the title of each application, there is an unlabeled dropdown
> > box that shows which sound device the application is currently playing to.
> > Find the actively-playing application and switch its dropdown to the
> > "Logitach H5703 Stereo Analog Stereo" option.
> Well! The last time I lookat at the 'Playback' tab I missed your point that
> the dropdown box being unmarked meant there wasn't the usual triangle common
> to comboboxes. I didn't click on it becuase the symbol wasn't there. Just
> now I did and, sure enough, there was another option there: the Logitech
> headphones.

I'm glad you were able to get it working.

> I'm so used to GUI widgets being self-explanatory that I didn't try clicking
> on what appeared to be a label widget. I apologize for not groking what you
> wrote.

Interestingly, there's a commit in the pavucontrol master that changes
the button->radiolist behavior to a standard drop-down selector:


It just hasn't made its way into a release yet.


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