On Wed, 3 Feb 2021, Sean Greenslade wrote:

The menu I was referring to is attached to each of the clients. In your
screenshot, it's the box that says "HD-Audio Generic Analog Stereo".
Click that and change it to "Logitech H570e Stereo Analog Stereo".


Thanks for correcting me. When I change the upper port it displays "Headset
(unplugged)" while the headset is plugged in.

The lower port sill shows "Logitach H5703 Stereo Analog Stereo" with the
port remaining "Headphones".

Your system theme makes it a little hard to tell, but yes, the one that is
in the darkened state is the selected one. As I mentioned, this won't
directly affect existing streams, it simply sets the "fallback" device
that is selected if a new client appears and doesn't explicitly specify
which sound card it wants to send audio to.

Unfortuately, changing the upper port to read "Headset (unplugged)" did not
make a difference; still no audio output.


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