#624: need proper support for Terratec EWS88-MT (ice1712)
  Reporter:  aelschuring  |       Owner:  lennart          
      Type:  defect       |      Status:  new              
 Milestone:               |   Component:  module-alsa-*    
Resolution:               |    Keywords:  ews88 profile-set

Comment(by aelschuring):

 I can confirm Lennart's suspicions about the channel layout: spdif is
 indeed located at the two topmost channels of hw:0,0. I can use them by
 specifying the following channel map:{{{channel-map =

 And I can even get simulaneous outputs on analog+digital by specifying
 front-X twice in the channel map... Lennart, can/does PA allow me to
 specify multiple separate stereo channels in the channel map? What I'm
 looking for, is the ability to specify something like this:
 [Mapping analog-stereo-pairs]
 description = Analog Multi-Channel Split In Stereo Pairs
 device-strings = hw:%f,0
 channel-map =
 direction = input
 And then have PA offer me five separate stereo sinks...

 I don't really have a use case for five separate sinks... but the ability
 to offer two sinks (one analog, one digital) in the same profile would be
 really awesome...

 pretty please? :)

Ticket URL: <http://pulseaudio.org/ticket/624#comment:19>
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