#624: need proper support for Terratec EWS88-MT (ice1712)
  Reporter:  aelschuring  |       Owner:  lennart          
      Type:  defect       |      Status:  new              
 Milestone:               |   Component:  module-alsa-*    
Resolution:               |    Keywords:  ews88 profile-set

Comment(by ianc):

 The M_Audio-Audiophile-2496 patch works OK for me (thanks) since I only
 need outputs.

 I can't get the spdif input to work via loop-back with any mapping I've
 tried so far (and haven't been able to test with an external input - I do
 have one, but it's not to
 hand at the moment and won't be for 2-3 weeks minimum). However I haven't
 succeeded in getting it to work with just ALSA either, so it is possible
 that there is no problem within Pulseaudio.

 The output of $ cat /proc/asound/pcm is now attached above.

Ticket URL: <http://pulseaudio.org/ticket/624#comment:22>
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