#624: need proper support for Terratec EWS88-MT (ice1712)
  Reporter:  aelschuring  |       Owner:  lennart          
      Type:  defect       |      Status:  new              
 Milestone:               |   Component:  module-alsa-*    
Resolution:               |    Keywords:  ews88 profile-set

Comment(by aelschuring):

 > Also I confirm that spdif does appear as the two topmost channels of
 hw:0,0 in the same way as for the EWS88 and that the simultaneous
 analog+digital output trick works.

 Thanks for your help. Could you please test the profile for your card (in
 second patch)? I've removed all references to multi-channel configurations
 and removed the system-out sink, beyond that not much has changed.

 If you have a standard RCA (cinch) cable, you could test the digital-in by
 connecting the digital-out of the card to the digital-in, and then
 checking the volume levels in pavucontrol. It's not a substitute for real
 audio tests, but at least we know if the channel mappings are correct.
 It's the only way for me to test the digital-in as well.

 Also, could you still provide the output of {{{$ cat /proc/asound/pcm}}}?

Ticket URL: <http://pulseaudio.org/ticket/624#comment:21>
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