On Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 21:40, Luke Kanies <l...@puppetlabs.com> wrote:
> On Mar 2, 2011, at 5:07 PM, Daniel Pittman wrote:
>> On Wed, Mar 2, 2011 at 16:32, Ben Hughes <b...@puppetlabs.com> wrote:
>>> On Wed, Mar 02, 2011 at 03:24:32PM -0800, Daniel Pittman wrote:
>>>> After every single test in the spec suite, assert that there are no
>>>> log messages at error or higher in the collected logs, before we flush
>>>> them.  If there are, fail hard, and treat it as disaster.
>>> This looks a really good addition to the testing!
>>> Sure some tests will fail initially, but that's a good thing, right?
>>> Will ultimately fix more things than it breaks at the beginning.


> I think your testing of the invariant is reasonable, but I think normal tests 
> should probably use this:
> Puppet.expects(:warning)
> instead of testing that a given log is stored.  That way the individual tests 
> are a bit more isolated from the internals of how logs are stored.

We are actually capturing those logs off to a special "test only"
location already, so this wouldn't be testing anything real-world, but
rather a quasi-stub mechanism for storing logs that we can treat as
API delivered by the test framework.  (eg: if the logging changes,
only the test support code needs to be updated.)

I presume with the first comment you mean rather this:

    [:warning, :err, :crit, :alert].each do |level|
Puppet.expects(:level).never end

…since this is specifically about testing that we *don't* generate
logs at those levels which we didn't otherwise expect.

> Really, you could almost say that the 'before' block should just have 
> something like:
> Puppet.stubs(:warning).raises "Failed test"

This would terminate the operating code inside puppet at that point;
now logging is fatal, and there is no mechanism to suppress that.  If
it wasn't for that property I would pretty much entirely agree.

Nick actually suggested using a smarter log target which tracked that
less destructively, which I was tempted by but couldn't see sufficient
value in.

> or something similar.  This way you're entirely relying on the API.  You 
> probably want to actually use the internal Log class, rather than Puppet 
> (since classes that include the Logging module don't use Puppet.whatever, I 
> think).

We actually are using that at the moment: we have a custom "test" log
destination that captures messages to the system, and manage their
life-cycle as part of testing.  So, we have zero internal changes to
achieve the current custom capture, and would still have zero if we
introduced this extra automatic assertion.

⎋ Puppet Labs Developer – http://puppetlabs.com
✉ Daniel Pittman <dan...@puppetlabs.com>
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