> > > This would terminate the operating code inside puppet at that point;
>>  > now logging is fatal, and there is no mechanism to suppress that.  If
>> > it wasn't for that property I would pretty much entirely agree.
>> Huh; not sure why it's a bad thing to terminate the processing here, since
>> then at least you get a stack trace and such, but I'll take your word for it
>> that it is.
> Because sometimes we want to write a test that asserts that an error will
> be logged under certain circumstances, or that some condition is or isn't
> modified when a condition which results in a logged error occurs.  Such
> tests would always either fail or pass for the wrong reasons.
> I thought processing would only stop if the log wasn't stubbed, in which
> case you've got a failure you didn't plan on.  If you correctly stub/expect
> the logs, then processing should absolutely continue.

We're far enough into the weeds, and there's grave risk of talking at cross
purposes, but I'll give what I believe to be the correct answer in context.

The code that started this thread was:

     Puppet.stubs(:warning).raises "Failed test"

which Daniel asserted would "terminate the operating code inside puppet" and
that "there is no mechanism to suppress that."  On the face of it, he is
right about the first and I'd suspect he's right about the second, esp. if
you modify it to "there's no non-heinous mechanism..."   We could, though,
be wrong, and it may be possible to stub over the stub in some non-heinous

The question you asked, though, wasn't why we thought this was true but
rather why we thought it was bad, specifically you said you were "not sure
why it's a bad thing to terminate the processing here" and that is what I
was replying to.

We may be wrong that stubbing the logging mechanism to raise an exception
would terminate execution "in the middle" but, if that is the case, I
believe the objection Daniel alluded to is reasonably close to what I

> Am I missing something?

Given the complexity of  || logging + rspec + {all tests present & future} +
our exception handling + ...? ||, I think it's highly likely that we're *all
* missing something.  But we struggle on regardless.  :)

-- M
When in trouble or in doubt, run in circles,
scream and shout. -- 1920's parody of the
maritime general prudential rule

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