So on the topic of generating forms from Kwalify, I found this:

Which supports kwalify-like schemas to render forms using Javascript
(extra bits were added to support rendering). Here is a demo for an
address book editor for example:

While a bit rough - you can see it has capabilities to handle
structured data including nested elements like hashes and arrays. I
think it would be awesome to give users the power to just 'add a
class' in dashboard and be presented with a shiny form of this nature
to configure their app. The election example:

Shows off the use of context sensitive help which is derived from the
schema (click on help next to an attribute to see this).


On Fri, Jul 1, 2011 at 8:25 PM, Ken Barber <> wrote:
> So I've been working on various modules that have very complex data
> requirements ... for example the bind zone configuration resource is
> fairly complex in that it can have anywhere up to 40 different
> attributes:
> Some of these attributes also require arrays and hashes to be passed
> in puppet so I can easily convert them to bind grammar.
> Now this is all very well and good - but I face the issue of trying to
> validate these complex structures. In answer to this I created this
> function:
> Which allows validation using kwalify:
> This function monopolizes kwalify schema validation techniques - so I
> can use Puppet hashes and arrays to create kwalify schemas to validate
> my resource input. Some examples:
> This is great in that I can now combine my validation into 1 data
> structure and use that to validate ...
> Now this in of itself is interesting but I started to think about the
> wider case. What if I wanted to validate _every_ parameter in a class
> or resource?
> So I created this:
> This converts all the params in a class or resource into a hash, and
> goes looking for a separate schema file to use as validation. The idea
> being, I can define a module_name/manifests/init.pp file with a class
> in it, and a corresponding module_name/manifests/init.schema file for
> its complex validation. This way you can create classes in the normal
> layout structure, and have each class have a corresponding schema
> file.
> Some examples:
> So now - I can allow complex structures to be passed, and have
> validation in kwalify do most of the heavy lifting for validation ...
> but also ... if someone was keen - they could use the kwalify schema
> files - dynamically create a form in an ENC tool for parameterized
> classes data entry purposes.
> So the obvious debate to be made is weither this kind of complex
> validation lives in the language or not ... but I do generally feel
> that the current language support doesn't go deep enough to express
> the data needed by a class and/or an ENC tool - kwalify comes a little
> closer even if it isn't the correct implementation it certainly is
> closer to the kind of information that needs to be expressed.
> Anyway ... just want to put these ideas out there and see what people think.
> ken.

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