I agree, it seems like this solution would be simple and effective. I am 
almost positive there are other types that behave this way. It breaks 
nothing and fixes everything, as far as I can see. 

On Saturday, March 8, 2014 2:48:21 PM UTC-6, Pedro Côrte-Real wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 7, 2014 at 10:15 PM, Adrien Thebo 
> <adr...@puppetlabs.com<javascript:>> 
> wrote: 
> > Long story short, allowing multiple resources to exist with the same 
> title 
> > but different providers is problematic. 
> There's no reason to need to do that though. Package just needs to be 
> able to override the package name without changing $name as that needs 
> to be unique. So you should be able to do something like: 
> package { 'somepackage-in-apt': ensure => present, pkgname => 
> 'somepackage', provider => apt, } package { 'somepackage-in-gem': 
> ensure => absent, pkgname => 'somepackage', provider => gem, } 
> Since we've used $pkgname instead of $name this doesn't have the 
> uniqueness issue. I've looked around the code and this seems easy 
> enough to do. The Package providers just need to do "pkgname ||= name" 
> so the older stuff doesn't break. 
> Can anyone find any fault with this solution? I've commented on these 
> bug reports a lot of times and never gotten any answer to this. It 
> seems pretty amazing that this bug still exists after so many years. 
> Pedro 

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