On Tue, Mar 11, 2014 at 5:29 PM, Andy Parker <a...@puppetlabs.com> wrote:
> Personally, I would be ok with yet another hack in puppet 3 to handle this
> issue since it has been coming up so often and since I also don't know a
> clear timeline for getting new functionality in to address this specific
> issue in a better way. And yes, my idealism is cracking :/

It's great to finally see traction on this. I still don't understand
why this is a hack though. This is what is broken:

package {"foo_deb":
  name => foo,
  provider => apt,
package {"foo_gem":
  name => foo,
  provider => gem,

But the only reason this doesn't work is that we used $name to
override the deb/gem name. This on the other hand would work fine:

exec {"foo_as_root":
  command => "/bin/foo",
  user => root,
exec {"foo_as_someuser":
  command => "/bin/foo",
  user => someuser,

Yet the only difference between the two cases is that we used $command
and not $name to override the default given by $title.

Package was designed assuming the meaningless tokens we pass to apt to
select debs have some relation to the meaningless tokens we pass to
gem to select gems. Most of the time this doesn't bite us because
names are reasonably unique. But then someone goes and uses "memcache"
for the server deb and the client gem. These are totally different
software packages that just happen to use the same token in two
different package systems. Using $title as the default meaningless
token is economical in terms of keystrokes but then just like with
Exec there needs to be a not unique $meaningless_token variable.

This is just a bug in Package, fixing it isn't a hack.


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