On Saturday, 21 March 2015 21:57:02 UTC+1, Trevor Vaughan wrote:
> In my opinion, this is one of the areas where Puppet shines and it is 
> something that needs to be actively supported.
> Let the systems be safe by default and easy to use but don't stifle the 
> power users lest they be alienated.
> After all this, back to the original topic:
> * Would I use it? No
> * Do I think it would be a great deal of upkeep? No
> * Do I think a large portion of users would use it? No
> * Do I see hard in incorporating it to see what happens? No
> My opinion: Try it and see!
> My suggestion is that Bostjan write a patch with clear instructions and 
> announce it to the puppet-users list as something that you'd like to 
> experiment with in terms of utility for the community.

This seems like a sane suggestion.
I will do this shortly.



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